Welcome to the Hugo Kauder Society


The world's first biography on Hugo Kauder, written by Dr. Karin Wagner, was recently published.
Category: General
Posted by: Karl

As part of the official book release, the exilarte Zentrum hosted a concert and interview with Dr. Wagner in Vienna, Austria. The panel discussion, moderated by Dr. Irene Suchy, also included Hugo Society manager Karl Warner and Dr. Gerold Gruber. The event was broadcast live from the ORF RadioKulturhaus, and a recording and video will be available soon. Featured on the program were two of Kauder's string quartets (1 & 4), performed by the Selini Quartet, and a flute sonata, performed by Ulrike Anton (flute) and Miyuki Schüssler (piano). A second interview and lecture took place soon after at the Kepler Salon in the author's home town of Linz.